Viewing and Managing Entries¶
The DBL is organized around the concept of archiving and licensing access to various archive entry types. The primary type being stored in DBL is a text entry, which contains the digital data for a scripture translation. Other entry types contain the various products created from a translation text, such as print, audio, and epub.
Entry Catalog Views¶
There are three primary views which you can request for a general catalog of entries stored within DBL. From the main DBL header menu, hover over an entry type menu (Text, Audio). Then select one of the catalog options:

- Select Search <type> Entries. DBL will display a searchable list of all entries of the selected type within DBL.
- Select My Organization’s <type> Entries. DBL will display a searchable list of entries of the selected type which are owned by the organization(s) which you are a member of.
- Select My Publishable <type> Entries. DBL will display a searchable list of entries of the selected type which are licensed for use by the organization(s) which you are a member of.
From these catalog listings you can search for a specific entry and click on its row in the table to open the entry details view.
Managed Entries View¶
There is another view of managed entries presented within the organization administration interface which displays a list of entries owned by the currently selected organization, and entries managed in some way by the selected organization because of delegation.
To access the managed entries view:
- Select Organizations from the Admin menu visible in the site menu bar.
- Select the organization you wish to manage (for most users only the organization you are a member of is visible).
- Select the Entries tab.
In this view you see a table which displays a list of all entries owned by the selected organization, with columns showing the operational roles assigned to the organization for these texts, and columns summarizing current licensing status for each entry. The entry names are links which will direct you to the entry details view.
Role assignments and licensing details cannot be accessed or edited in any way from this view. Editing managing organizations and roles for an entry, and initiating new licensing agreements for an entry can both be done in the entry details view. Reviewing licensing history can be done through the Agreements tab.
In the image below, you can see a list of text entries owned and managed by the Canadian Bible Society. In the licensing columns you see each text having 2 outstanding license agreements, and one pending agreement for the Moose Cree text.

Viewing Entry Details¶
The entry catalog and managed entries views both provide a link to access the details view for a specific entry. In the catalog views, click anywhere within the row for an entry. In the managed entries view, click the link attached to the entry name.
The entry details view is divided vertically into 4 sections. Some sections are not visible without appropriate organization membership and role assignments for the currently logged in user.
- Visible to all logged in users.
- Displays a list of metadata for the entry.
- Principal metadata is displayed first. Click on the “More Metadata” link for additional fields.
- The entry details view does not display all of the metadata fields which are included in the entry metadata.xml download (e.g. see metadata.xml for text entries)
Download access (visible)
- Visible to members of the owning organization, and to publisher role members of any organizations with a license agreement to download the entry.
- Provides a download button allowing owners or publishers to download the entry bundle contents.
- See the Publishers’ help on Downloading Content.
An additional download link labeled “Download Paratext Project” is visible to members of the owning organization. Clicking this link will download a copy of the complete Paratext project repository which was submitted as an archive to DBL when the entry was uploaded. This archive contains all of the Paratext project data and history up until the time this entry revision was submitted.
Managing Organizations
- Visible to all logged in users.
- Displays a list of owning and managing organizations.
- For members of the owning and managing organizations, displays a list of managing organization roles.
- Members of the entry owning organization with Librarian role may add managing organizations and edit roles.
- See the Contributors’ help on Assigning Ownership and Management Roles
License Agreements
- Visible to members of the owning organization.
- Displays a table of current license agreements for the entry.
- Members of the entry owning organization with Licenser role may grant new license agreements for the entry.
- See the Contributors’ help on Licensing Content to Publishers