Text Metadata¶
All key translation project metadata is provided in a DBL text release bundle within a file named metadata.xml
. The format of this file is described below.
Documentation Syntax Notes
Information about individual elements and attributes for XML files within DBL bundles is provided with the following components. Not every component is needed or supplied for each element.
Element Description Table:
- Required is indicated using a red asterisk (*). A plus (+) sign indicates that multiple elements are allowed.
- Element attributes are indicated by an “at” symbol @
- Element or attribute values which are supplied by Paratext are marked with a green checkmark (
). Any values supplied for these elements through an external metadata.xml file will be overwritten by Paratext during the DBL submission.
Diagram: A schema diagram is supplied wherever it will assist with clarity; not for every element.
Notes: Other relevant information not visible in the element description table.
Sample: An XML sample for the element.
Child Elements: A list of child elements.
Values for some metadata elements are restricted by the metadata schema to a pattern or a specific vocabulary. These named patterns (vocabularies) are listed at the end of this document.
The following schema diagram displays the basic structure of the text metadata file.

The @typeVersion attribute is used to define a specific layout and file syntax for a specific bundle type. Bundles with an identical typeVersion will contain the same layout and file syntax. Publishers who are creating tools to consume DBL bundles can use the @typeVersion attribute to verify that their toolset is capable of handling a downloaded bundle.
A new data upload for a project already present in the DBL will generate a new @revision for the entry. Metadata only uploads to the DBL do not generate a new @revision.
Element: | identification * empty |
Added: | 1.1 |
Use: | Contains child elements for supplying the primary metadata used for identifying and naming the scripture project text. |
Parent: | <DBLMetadata> |

<name>Good News Translation</name>
<nameLocal>Good News Translation</nameLocal>
<scope>Bible with Deuterocanon</scope>
<description>English Good News Translation Bible with Deuterocanon</description>
<systemId type="tms">401d0abc-018b-4036-81b7-13845ace8612</systemId>
<systemId type="paratext">66f69e2e951292b7d66582d3e2444332f641775b</systemId>
Child Elements (identification)¶
Element: | name * xsd:string |
Added: | 1.1 |
Use: | Preferred/common name used to refer to the scripture text (English) |
Parent: | <identification> |
Element: | nameLocal xsd:string |
Added: | 1.1 |
Use: | Preferred/common name used to refer to the scripture text (vernacular). Defaults to name. |
Parent: | <identification> |
Element: | abbreviation * xsd:string of pattern [A-Za-z0-9\-]{2,8} |
Added: | 1.1 |
Use: | Preferred/common abbreviation used to refer to the scripture text (English) |
Parent: | <identification> |
Element: | abbreviationLocal * xsd:string of pattern [A-Za-z0-9\-]{2,8} |
Added: | 1.1 |
Use: | Preferred/common abbreviation used to refer to the scripture text (vernacular). Defaults to abbreviation. |
Parent: | <identification> |
Element: | scope * Bible with Deuterocanon | Bible without Deuterocanon | New Testament and Psalms | New Testament and Shorter Old Testament | New Testament only | Old Testament only | Old Testament with Deuterocanon | Shorter Old Testament only | Study Bible | Portion only | Selection only |
Added: | 1.1 |
Use: | Coverage of the canon of scripture |
Parent: | <identification> |
Element: | description * xsd:string |
Added: | 1.1 |
Use: | Free form description of the scripture text. |
Parent: | <identification> |
Element: | dateCompleted xsd:date | xsd:gYear | xsd:gYearMonth | xsd:dateTime |
Added: | 1.1 |
Use: | Date of completion or initial publication of the scripture translation. |
Parent: | <identification> |
Element: | systemId * ![]() xsd:string |
Use: | A unique ID used to refer to the scripture text resource within a specific organizational database or software system. |
@type: | System type * tms | paratext ![]() reap | biblica |
Parent: | <identification> |
Element: | bundleProducer * ![]() xsd:string |
Use: | Software or process used to produce the text release bundle. |
Parent: | <identification> |
Element: | confidential * xsd:boolean ( true | false ) |
Added: | 1.1 |
Use: | Indicates whether the scripture text should be visible within the general DBL catalog (false), OR only visible to its owning organization users, or to licensee organization users with the DBL Publisher role. (true) |
Parent: | <DBLMetadata> |

Element: | agencies * empty |
Added: | 1.1 |
Use: | Contains child elements for identifying the agencies involved in developing and publishing the scripture text. |
Parent: | <DBLMetadata> |

<contributor type="content">American Bible Society</contributor>
<contributor type="qa">United Bible Societies</contributor>
<contributor type="publication">American Bible Society</contributor>
<contributor type="management">American Bible Society</contributor>
Child Elements (agencies)¶
Element: | etenPartner xsd:string |
Added: | 1.1 |
Use: | The “Every Tribe Every Nation” (ETEN) partner known as the primary creator or authorized publisher of the scripture text. |
Parent: | <agencies> |
Element: | contributor * + |
Added: | 1.1 |
Modified: | 1.4 |
Use: | One or more agencies partnering in the development and publication of the scripture text. |
@type: | Area of the agency’s contribution *
Parent: |
Element: | language * empty |
Added: | 1.1 |
Use: | Contains child elements for supplying language related information about the scripture text. |
Parent: | <DBLMetadata> |

scriptDirection is supplied by Paratext. Any value supplied for this element through an external metadata.xml file for a submission to DBL will be overwritten by Paratext.
Child Elements (language)¶
Element: | iso * xsd:string of pattern [a-z]{3} |
Added: | 1.1 |
Use: | ISO 639-3 3-letter code for the language of the scripture text. References: http://www.sil.org/iso639-3/codes.asp |
Parent: | <language> |
Element: | name * xsd:string |
Added: | 1.1 |
Use: | ISO 639-3 full written name for the language of the scripture text. References: http://www.sil.org/iso639-3/codes.asp |
Parent: | <language> |
Element: | ldml ![]() xsd:string of pattern [A-Za-z]{2,3}([\-_][A-Za-z0-9]+){0,3} |
Added: | 1.1 |
Use: | Unicode language identifier. Not required, but may be needed in order to distinguish the language of the scripture text from a text in the same language,but from another region, or using another writing system (e.g. en-US vs en-GB). Paratext generated DBL text bundles are supplied this value from the ‘Language Identifier’ field of the selected project’s properties. References: http://unicode.org/reports/tr35/#Unicode_Language_and_Locale_Identifiers http://unicode.org/cldr/utility/languageid.jsp http://www.w3.org/International/questions/qa-choosing-language-tags |
Parent: | <language> |
Element: | rod xsd:string of pattern [0-9]{5} |
Added: | 1.1 |
Use: | Dialect code taken from the Harvest Information Sysyems (HIS) Registry of Dialects (ROD). A ROD code may be needed (in addition to language/ldml) in order to distinguish the specific dialect of the language of the scripture text from others within the DBL. References: http://globalrecordings.net/research/rod |
Parent: | <language> |
Element: | script * empty | Arabic | Arabic (Modified) | Armenian | Assamese | Bengali | Burmese | Chinese (Simplified) | Chinese (Traditional) | Cyrillic | Cyrillic (Modified) | Devanagari | Ethiopic | Georgian | Greek | Gurmukhi | Hebrew | Japanese | Khmer | Korean | Latin | Persian | Persian (Modified) | Pollard | Syllabic | Syriac | Syriac | Thai | Tibetan |
Added: | 1.1 |
Use: | Name of the script used for composing the scripture text. Presently the names are taken from a UBS TMS listing of script names. (Script names should be migrated to ISO 15924 4 letter script codes in a future text bundle specification update.) |
Parent: | <language> |
Element: | scriptDirection * LTR (Left to Right) | RTL (Right to Left) |
Added: | 1.1 |
Use: | Script direction |
Parent: | <language> |
Element: | numerals * empty | one of numeralSystem |
Added: | 1.1 |
Use: | Preferred numbering system to use for rendering digits in the scripture text. Publishers should use this information for providing the correct presentation of chapter and verse numbers, which are always provided in USX <chapter> and <verse> ‘num’ attributes in Arabic script. |
Parent: | <language> |
Element: | country * empty |
Added: | 1.1 |
Use: | Contains child elements for supplying country related information about the scripture text. |
Parent: | <DBLMetadata> |

<name>United States</name>
Child Elements (country)¶
Element: | iso * xsd:string of pattern [a-z]{2,3} |
Added: | 1.1 |
Use: | ISO 3166 2-letter code for the/a primary country where the language of the scripture text is used. In cases where the language is a primary language used in more than one country, the code for the country where the creator or publisher is located should be supplied. References: http://www.iso.org/iso/country_codes/iso_3166_code_lists.htm |
Parent: | <country> |
Element: | name * xsd:string |
Added: | 1.1 |
Use: | ISO 3166 full written name for the/a primary country where the language of the scripture text is used. In cases where the language is a primary language used in more than one country, the name for the country where the creator or publisher is located should be supplied. References: http://www.iso.org/iso/country_codes/iso_3166_code_lists.htm |
Parent: | <country> |
Element: | type * empty |
Added: | 1.1 |
Use: | Contains child elements for supplying translation type related information for the scripture text. |
Parent: | <DBLMetadata> |

Child Elements (type)¶
Element: | translationType * empty | one of translationType |
Added: | 1.1 |
Use: | Translation type |
Parent: | <type> |
Element: | audience * empty | one of translationLevel |
Added: | 1.1 |
Use: | Language level |
Parent: | <type> |
Element: | bookNames * empty |
Added: | 1.1 |
Use: | Contains child elements for supplying vernacular Biblical book naming information for the scripture text. |
Parent: | <DBLMetadata> |

bookNames and the child book elements provide information on the vernacular text to use for various forms of the Biblical books names found in the scripture text. books are listed in a default order, and do not necessarily represent a valid publication order.
The contents element provides bookLists in which the 3-letter book codes are supplied in the correct order for one or more known publications of the scripture text.
<book code="GEN">
… other book elements …
<book code="REV">
<long>THE REVELATION to John</long>
Child Elements (bookNames)¶
Element: | book * empty |
Added: | 1.1 |
Use: | Contains child elements for supplying long, short, and abbr (abbreviation) vernacular names for Biblical books in the scripture text. |
@code: | The 3-letter book code for for which vernacular names are being supplied in the child elements. * one of bookCode |
Parent: | <bookNames> |
Child Elements (book)¶
Element: | long * ![]() empty | xsd:string |
Added: | 1.1 |
Use: | Vernacular text for the long form of the name for the Biblical book. |
Parent: | <bookNames> |
Element: | short * ![]() empty | xsd:string |
Added: | 1.1 |
Use: | Vernacular text for the shorter form of the name for the Biblical book. This is the text typically used for the running header reference text in a printed volume, or for the text to appear for the book name in a digital navigation (menu) system. |
Parent: | <bookNames> |
Element: | abbr * ![]() empty | xsd:string |
Added: | 1.1 |
Use: | Vernacular text for the abbreviated form of the name for the Biblical book. This is the text typically used within reference lists found in cross references, indexes, or concordances. |
Parent: | <bookNames> |
Paratext will supply long, short, and abbr strings to the metadata if they have been configured for the project using the Project > Scripture Reference Settings dialog. If the scripture text had already included toc1, toc2, and/or toc3 markers, the content for these will be gathered into the corresponding Scripture Reference Settings fields on its initial use.
Element: | contents * empty |
Added: | 1.1 |
Use: | Contains child elements for supplying one or more bookList elements in which divisions and book codes are supplied in the correct order for known publications of the scripture text. |
Parent: | <DBLMetadata> |

General Explanation of the text bundle <contents> section:
One or more contents/bookList elements are used to provide a table of contents listing for specific publications (or “canons”) which can be generated from the text bundle contents. The sequence of the divisions and book elements within each division indicates the correct sequential order for books within a specific publication.
The name, nameLocal, abbreviation, and abbreviationLocal elements within a bookList are used to provide the same type of content information as they are within the <identification> element context.
Every bookList contains a unique integer @id. If an entry contains multuple bookLists, the description fields should also be unique among them. description can be used to praticually distinguish (for an end-user) bookLists which may possibly use the same name and abbreviation – for example GNT “Protestant Edition” and GNT “Catholic Edition”.
There should always be one bookList with the attribute @default=”true”, which is the content which should be published if only one bookList is selected from many.
<bookList id="default">
<name>Good News Translation</name>
<nameLocal>Good News Translation</nameLocal>
<description>Western Protestant Bible</description>
<range>Protestant Bible (66 books)</range>
<tradition>Western Protestant order</tradition>
<division id="OT">
<book code="GEN"/>
… remaining list of OT <book> elements …
<book code="MAL"/>
<division id="NT">
<book code="MAT"/>
… remaining list of NT <book> elements …
<book code="REV"/>
<name>Good News Translation with Deuterocanonicals/Apocrypha</name>
<nameLocal>Good News Translation with Deuterocanonicals/Apocrypha</nameLocal>
<description>Ecumenical Bible with combined Catholic DCs +
Anglican KJV Apocrypha</description>
<range>Interconfessional Bible with DC/ Apocrypha section</range>
<tradition>Bible with Catholic DCs + 3 KJV Apocryphal books</tradition>
<division id="OT">
… list of OT <book> elements …
<division id="DC">
… list of DC <book> elements …
<division id="NT">
… list of NT <book> elements …
Child Elements (contents)¶
Element: | booklist * empty |
Added: | 1.1 |
Use: | Contains child elements for supplying one or more division elements, within which book codes are supplied in the correct order for a known specific publication of the scripture text. |
@id: | Set id=”default” for the bookList which should be published by default, if only one of multiple bookLists (publications) supplied in the contents element is published. none | default |
Parent: | <contents> |
Child Elements (bookList)¶
Element: | name * empty | xsd:string |
Added: | 1.1 |
Use: | Preferred/common name used to refer to the scripture text (English) |
Parent: | <bookList> |
Element: | nameLocal * empty | xsd:string |
Added: | 1.1 |
Use: | Preferred/common name used to refer to the scripture text (vernacular). Defaults to name. |
Parent: | <bookList> |
Element: | abbreviation * empty | xsd:string |
Added: | 1.1 |
Use: | Preferred/common abbreviation used to refer to the scripture text (English) |
Parent: | <bookList> |
Element: | abbreviationLocal * empty | xsd:string |
Added: | 1.1 |
Use: | Preferred/common abbreviation used to refer to the scripture text (vernacular). Defaults to abbreviation. |
Parent: | <bookList> |
Element: | description * empty | xsd:string |
Added: | 1.1 |
Use: | Free form description of the bookList. |
Parent: | <bookList> |
Element: | range * empty | xsd:string |
Added: | 1.1 |
Use: | Description of the range (scope) of books included in the bookList. |
Parent: | <bookList> |
Element: | tradition * empty | xsd:string |
Added: | 1.1 |
Use: | Description of the church tradition for which this bookList is commonly in use. |
Parent: | <bookList> |
Element: | division * empty |
Added: | 1.1 |
Use: | Contains a single child books element within which book elements are supplied in the correct order for a specific portion (the current division) of the scripture text. |
@id: | Identifies which portion of the scripture canon the list of books is for. * OT | NT | DC |
Parent: | <bookList> |
Child Elements (division)¶
Elenent: | books * empty |
Added: | 1.1 |
Use: | Contains one or more child book elements in the correct order for the current division of the scripture text. |
Parent: | <division> |
Element: | progress empty |
Added: | 1.1 |
Use: | Contains child book elements for supplying information on text development progress using one of 4 stage values. |
Parent: | <DBLMetadata> |

Background on project progress: The progress element is optional. It is not yet clear how this metadata might be used by publishers. It has been included in the DBL text release bundle specification to provide basic support for the concept of “incremental publishing”. In this mode a translation project may wish to release text for review (in digital or print publication format) as a work in progress. A completion stage could be used to identify which text(s) within a text bundle archive are ready for trial publication, and possibly to which audience.
Paratext provides a project progress tracking utility which assist teams with managing and reporting on translation progress. Within a typical translation project, each book passes through multiple “stages”. The project progress tracking utility defines 4 commonly-used default stages.
<book code="GEN" stage="4"/>
<book code="EXO" stage="4"/>
<book code="LEV" stage="4"/>
Child Elements (progress)¶
Element: | book * ![]() empty |
Added: | 1.1 |
Use: | One or more book elements are supplied in publication order for the current division of the scripture text. |
@code: | 3-letter book code * ![]() one of bookCode |
@stage@: | Translation stage completed for book. * ![]() one of translationStage |
Parent: | <DBLMetadata> |
Element: | contact empty |
Added: | 1.1 |
Use: | Contains child elements for supplying contact information for the agency responsible for publication rights related to the scripture text. |
Parext: | <DBLMetadata> |

<rightsHolder>American Bible Society</rightsHolder>
<rightsHolderLocal>American Bible Society</rightsHolderLocal>
Child Elements (contact)¶
Element: | rightsHolder * xsd:string |
Added: | 1.1 |
Use: | Agency responsible for publication rights related to the scripture text (English). Often the same as creator and/or publisher. |
Parent: | <contact> |
Element: | rightsHolderLocal xsd:string |
Added: | 1.1 |
Use: | Agency responsible for publication rights related to the scripture text (vernacular). |
Parent: | <contact> |
Element: | rightsHolderAbbreviation xsd:string |
Added: | 1.1 |
Use: | Preferred/common abbreviation used to refer to the rightsHolder agency. |
Parent: | <contact> |
Element: | rightsHolderURL xsd:anyURI |
Added: | 1.1 |
Use: | Public Internet website address for the rightsHolder agency. |
Parent: | <contact> |
Element: | rightsHolderFacebook xsd:anyURI |
Added: | 1.1 |
Use: | Public Facebook address for the rightsHolder agency. |
Parent: | <contact> |
Element: | copyright * empty |
Added: | 1.1 |
Use: | Contains child elements for supplying copyright information for the scripture text. |
Parent: | <DBLMetadata> |

<statement contentType="xhtml"><p>Good News Translation (Today’s English Version, Second Edition)
©1992 American Bible Society. All rights reserved.</p></statement>
Child Elements (copyright)¶
Element: | statement any htmlMarkup |
Added: | 1.1 |
Use: | The short written copyright statement which should accompany any publication of the scripture text. |
@contentType: | Indicates the specific content format which this element contains. * xhtml |
Parent: | <copyright> |
Element: | promotion * empty |
Added: | 1.1 |
Use: | Contains child elements for supplying background and promotion information related to the scripture text. |
Parent: | <DBLMetadata> |

<promoVersionInfo contentType="xhtml">
<p>The <em>Good News Translation</em> of the Bible is a translation which seeks to state
clearly and accurately the meaning of the original texts in words and forms that are
widely accepted by people who use English as a means of communication. This translation
does not follow the traditional vocabulary and style found in the historic English Bible
versions. Rather it attempts for our time to set forth the biblical content and message
in the standard, everyday, natural form of English.</p>
<p>The aim of this Bible is to give today's reader best possible understanding of the content
of the original texts. The Preface sets forth the basic principles which the translators
followed in their work and explains the nature of special aids for readers.</p>
<p>The bk Good News Translation was translated and published by the United Bible Societies
for use throughout the world. The Bible Societies trust that the reading and study of this
translation will result in a better understanding of the meaning of the Bible. We also
earnestly pray that readers will discover the message of saving faith and hope for all people,
which the Bible announces anew to each generation.</p></promoVersionInfo>
<promoEmail contentType="xhtml">This is where we place the text to be emailed to the user after
downloading an offline version.</promoEmail>
Child Elements (promotion)¶
Element: | promoVersionInfo any htmlMarkup |
Added: | 1.1 |
Use: | Introductory (promotional/background) information about the scripture text translation. |
@contentType: | Indicates the specific content format which this element contains. * xhtml |
Parent: | <promotion> |
Element: | promoEmail any htmlMarkup |
Added: | 1.1 |
Use: | A promotional email message text which can be used to send to a new user of the text (for example - when the text is downloaded within a publishing application for offline use). |
@contentType: | Indicates the specific content format which this element contains. * xhtml |
Parent: | <promotion> |
Element: | archiveStatus * empty |
Added: | 1.1 |
Use: | Contains child elements for supplying a record of the submissions of the scripture text to the DBL. |
Parent: | <DBLMetadata> |
<archivistName> ... archivist name ... </archivistName>
<comments>Initial submission to DBL.</comments>
Child Elements (archiveStatus)¶
Element: | archivistName * ![]() xsd:string |
Added: | 1.1 |
Use: | Name of the person making the submission to DBL. The “Registration Name” for the current user in Paratext is supplied automatically. |
Parent: | <archiveStatus> |
Element: | dateArchived * ![]() xsd:dateTime |
Added: | 1.1 |
Use: | Date of the original submission of this text to DBL. |
Parent: | <archiveStatus> |
Element: | dateUpdated * ![]() xsd:dateTime |
Added: | 1.1 |
Use: | Date of the last update to this text within DBL. |
Parent: | <archiveStatus> |
Element: | dateUpdated * ![]() xsd:string (maximum 255 characters) |
Added: | 1.1 |
Use: | Date of the last update to this text within DBL. |
Parent: | <archiveStatus> |
Element: | format * ![]() text/xml |
Added: | 1.1 |
Use: | The file format (mime type) of the scripture text within the text bundle. |
Parent: | <DBLMetadata> |
List of Named Patters (Vocabularies)¶
For each pattern, text in quotes are valid vocabulary selections.
htmlMarkup: |
htmlCharMarkup: |
numeralSystem: | Arabic (a.k.a. ‘Hindu’) = 0123456789, Bengali , Burmese , Devanagari , Ethiopic , Farsi , Gujarati , Gurmukhi , Hindi (i.e. ‘Arabic’ as used in Egypt), Kannada , Khmer , Malayalam , Oriya , Tamil , Telugu , Thai , Tibetan |
translationType: | |
First , New , Revision |
translationLevel: | |
Basic , Common , Common - Literary , Literary , Liturgical |
translationStage: | |
These numbers indicate a text being complete to the level of one of four commonly understood translation progress stages:
bookCode: | Old Testament
New Testament
Non scripture